A group of smiling children stand in front of a textured, mud wall. The children are dressed in casual clothes, with some wearing T-shirts and one child holding a toddler. They appear joyful and close-knit.
Infographic titled "Tackling the Deadliest Diseases for the World's Poorest Children." It highlights pneumonia and diarrhea as leading killers, showing prevention and treatment strategies, global consensus, and the impact of reducing these diseases. Includes charts and illustrations.
Oct 01, 2014

Tackling the Deadliest Diseases for the World's Poorest Children

Pneumonia and diarrhea are the leading infectious killers of children around the world. Tackling them simultaneously, as outlined in the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarroea (GAPPD), achieves the greatest impac...
Three individuals are crossing a shallow stream in a forested area, holding hands for support. One person is seen looking and smiling at the camera. A caption superimposed on the image reads, "Hello, are we together?" attributed to Dr. Alfred Odolia.
Oct 01, 2014

Together Against Diarrhea

In a swampy field in Western Kenya, an energetic Alfred Ochola surveys the crowd. All eyes are on him as he rolls up his pants, wades into a muddy stream, and fills a bucket with dirty water.
Special Features
A group of happy children standing in front of a cracked earthen wall. They are smiling and embracing each other, with some wearing colorful t-shirts. The vibrant expressions capture a joyful moment.
May 06, 2014

Child Health in Tanzania: Policy Pathways to Prevent Pneumonia and Diarrhea

Child Health in Tanzania: Identifying Policy Pathways to Help Prevent Child Deaths From Pneumonia and Diarrhea 626KB PDF
Two women are standing in front of a world map with pins marking various locations. The woman on the left, wearing a dark top, is drinking from a glass of water, while the woman on the right, wearing a red and black patterned jacket, is smiling at the camera.
Feb 20, 2014

Raise a glass for World Water Day!

Every year on World Water Day (March 22), we celebrate the lifesaving impact of water: a foundation for healthy children, families, and communities. Water is a basic need that connectsus all, regardless of where we live. So this year, we invite you t...
Collage of three images: left top, close-up of hands being washed with water; left bottom, a hand holding a small white tube; right, a child drinking from a large blue cup, partly covering the face.
Jan 02, 2014

Diarrhoea Dialogues

Diarrhoea Dialogues: From Policies to Progress English, 4.7 MB PDF French, 4.7 MB PDF
A smiling healthcare worker in a white uniform and headscarf is seated at a desk. They hold up packets of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). Various health posters and educational materials are displayed on the wall in the background.
Jan 02, 2014

Combining forces in Cambodia to overcome childhood diarrhea and pneumonia

Combining forces in Cambodia to overcome childhood diarrhea and pneumonia 360 KB PDF

GAPPD resources

The Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD), a 2013 global plan from UNICEF and WHO, represents the first-ever simultaneous effort to protect children from pneumonia and diarrhoea, the two leadi...
A rural scene with an outdoor pit latrine marked "V.I.P" in yellow paint. The latrine is next to a small brick structure with a red roof. The background shows grassy, hilly terrain with a tall mountain under a cloudy sky. A tree is also visible near the latrine.
Jan 01, 2014

Oh, the Places We Go: Public Health's Humble Hero

The medium: photography. The product: a calendar. The muse: the toilet. In 2013, contestants submitted their visual ode to commodes on social media using #placeswego for the chance to appear in DefeatDD's 2014 Places We Go calendar. Here are the winn...
Photo Gallery
An infographic titled "Global Nutrition Targets 2025 Policy Brief Series" includes five colored icons representing different nutrition targets. There is a brief background text explaining the aim of addressing malnutrition following a 2012 WHO resolution.
Jan 01, 2014

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Policy brief series

In 2012, the World Health Assembly Resolution endorsed a comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. This policy brief series outlines a set of six global nutrition targets that by 2025 aim to:  
A calendar cover featuring an outdoor toilet in a natural setting with trees. The text reads "Oh the places we go… Public Health's Humble Hero, 2014 Toilet Calendar." The website "defeatdd.org" and the organization "PATH" are also displayed.
Nov 18, 2013

Places We Go 2014 calendar

Celebrate the toilet every day of the year! Download and print your own copy of “Oh, the places we go: Public health’s humble hero,” hang it proudly in your cube (or bathroom), and share with friends!