A group of smiling children stand in front of a textured, mud wall. The children are dressed in casual clothes, with some wearing T-shirts and one child holding a toddler. They appear joyful and close-knit.
A woman with blonde hair is seated indoors in front of a light-colored wall. She is wearing a white top and gestures with her hands. Behind her on a dark shelf are several stacked books.

Interview with Deborah Atherly

Our team interviewed Deborah Atherly to learn more about health economics and vaccines!
A cartoon illustration depicts personified germs labeled ROTAVIRUS, SHIGELLA, ETEC, and CRYPTOSPORIDIUM, each with distinct, menacing faces and stances. The image has a dynamic, comic-style background.
Sep 28, 2016

A reanalysis of the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS)

In a new study using more than 10,000 samples in high-burden countries around the world, scientists closely analyzed the occurrence of more than 40 diarrhea-causing pathogens. They ultimately identified a small but deadly coalition: Together, only s...
Published Research
A man in a blue shirt sits next to a fireplace with books on it. Text "ETEC" and "Shigella" appear visually, emphasizing the topic of the need for ETEC and Shigella vaccines.

We need ETEC and Shigella vaccines

ETEC and Shigella are the leading bacterial causes of diarrheal disease. Scientists are working hard to develop vaccines against these deadly pathogens so they can soon become available to the children who need them most.
A cartoon illustration of two germs named Rotavirus and Shigella. Rotavirus is depicted as a round, purple creature with an angry expression. Shigella is a red, cylindrical character wearing sunglasses and a spiked collar, also looking angry.
Sep 16, 2016

DefeatDD: Superheroes versus villains

Superheroes and villains face off in the battle to DefeatDD! With their powers combined, Nutrition, Vaccines, WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), and ORS + Zinc help children, families, and communities conquer the biggest bugs terrorizing towns an...
A person in a lab coat and mask, holding a document and looking at it. The background features scientific illustrations, including a DNA strand, molecular structures, and other scientific symbols on a purple backdrop.
Sep 01, 2016

Meet the Superwomen Fighting Rotavirus

Three cheers for women in science! Get to know a few superwomen of rotavirus research and their special talents and inspirations, from fellow scientists to Mary Poppins to Thor.
Photo Gallery
A woman is posing with her face in a cutout display. The display features a cartoon superhero holding a syringe labeled "Vaccine," combating a villain labeled "Rotavirus." Background elements include sound effects like "POW!" and nutrients like "Zinc.

Superheroes Against Rotavirus

  We spotted a slew of superheroes at our Superpower Happy Hour for the 2016 International Rotavirus Symposium.
Photo Gallery
A woman with shoulder-length hair, wearing a blue sleeveless top, is sitting on a bench outdoors, holding a baby dressed in a light blue shirt. They are both smiling, surrounded by trees and greenery on a sunny day.

Breastfeeding: Advice and Encouragement for New Moms

It's a baby's first vaccine and best source of nutrition, but it's not always easy! Moms need support from other moms, families, and governments. Here are some words of wisdom from a few new moms.
Photo Gallery
Illustration of a village with thatched huts and trees. A child stands in the foreground holding their stomach. Text reads: "Diarrheal disease & malnutrition are inextricably linked. It takes more than food to overcome malnutrition." A diagram shows intestinal parasites.
Jul 01, 2016

Diarrheal Disease and Malnutrition are inextricably linked

View the full graphic.   You can also view sections of the graphic for social media sharing:  
A man wearing glasses and a gray plaid suit jacket is speaking in front of a neutral background with a few books on a shelf behind him. The video title at the top reads, "The Financial, Physical, and Emotional Toll of Chronic Diarrhea." A play button symbol is displayed in the center.
May 09, 2016

The Financial, Physical, and Emotional Toll of Chronic Diarrhea

Childhood diarrhea is far too common in developing countries. When children do survive, families often face repeated illnesses and a heavy financial burden.
A woman smiles as she feeds a young child with a spoon. The child, sitting on her lap and holding an orange cup, looks content while being fed. They are outside, against a rustic wall, in casual attire.
Feb 29, 2016

Progress over a Decade of Zinc and ORS Scale-up:

By end of 2015, diarrhea remained a leading killer of children under 5, claiming the lives of approximately 530,000 children annually. However, significant progress has been made over the past decade to scale up access to and use of zinc and ORS, whi...