Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene—collectively known as WASH—are essential for child health. They are foundational solutions to fighting diarrheal disease.
Since 1990, more than 2 billion people have gained access to cleaner water, but more than 780 million people do not have safe water to drink. This gap results in hundreds of thousands of preventable illnesses, deaths, and lost opportunities every year – especially for women and girls.
Two billion people have no appropriate sanitation facilities or latrines, leading to serious health risks, including endemic diarrhea and waterborne disease outbreaks.
Hand hygiene can break the transmission of diarrheal diseases. Routine handwashing with soap eliminates the bacteria and viruses that infect the body to cause diarrhea.
WASH solutions should be sustainable, locally focused, and supported by policy and community education. Greater awareness can spur stronger investments to secure clean water and sanitation for all.