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Prevent COVID-19's cascading impacts: lessons from DefeatDD

May 6, 2020

Prevent COVID-19’s cascading impacts: lessons from DefeatDD

For more than a decade, you’ve worked alongside us to call for a focus on children at the highest risk of deadly infections like diarrheal disease — as well as pneumonia and other health threats. Thanks to focused attention and commitment, we’ve seen amazing progress in child health and survival.

Now as we face the unprecedented COVID-19 global crisis, we’re asking for your continued advocacy on behalf of these children now battling its cascading effects: disrupted immunizations and supply chains, overwhelmed health systems, and worsening economies. These ripple effects threaten to unravel progress.

Basic tools like vaccines and hygiene remain inaccessible to low-resource settings where diarrhea is a killer. And these are the same tools that can carry families through COVID-19 and beyond.

Let’s turn COVID-19 into the catalyst for swift and successful actions against the systemic failures that trap communities in a cycle of poor health and poverty. Use these resources to raise your voice!

For sharable resources visit the campaign.