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ORT Corners in Kenya

September 1, 2010
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A room with benches, plastic containers, and oral rehydration solution (ORS): these are the simple tools that furnish a typical oral rehydration therapy (ORT) corner. In the 1980’s, this highly effective, low-cost intervention tremendously impacted child mortality, but as other global health priorities competed for attention, ORT corners fell into disrepair or disappeared completely.

In Western Province, Kenya, that picture is changing. Since 2009, PATH has helped established 37 ORT corners, and health workers already note a sharp decrease in the number of children who are admitted to pediatric wards for severe dehydration. With ORT corner treatment, children who may have spent days in the hospital are released within a matter of hours. Click through the photos to see this lifesaving intervention in action.

The World Health Organization recommends oral rehydration solution and zinc as the cornerstone treatment of diarrheal disease. Learn about a new effort to increase access to both tools.