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NGO statement of support

April 5, 2013
Diverse Array of NGOs and CSOs Call on Governments and Partners to

Make Global Action Plan a Reality

Statement of Support for the Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea


Click here to view the statement in French.


Today’s release of the Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD), developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, represents the first-ever simultaneous effort to protect children from pneumonia and diarrhoea, which take the lives of almost two million children a year. The Global Action Plan is based on the most recent data and evidence collected in a special series published in The Lancet today.

As nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) working around the globe to save children’s lives and improve health, we welcome the GAPPD and commit to helping implement this new, integrated approach. We pledge to begin immediately working with national governments, donors, multilateral institutions, the private sector and other partners to make the global framework a reality in the countries and communities hardest hit.


We call on national governments to:

·         Prioritise the fight against pneumonia and diarrhoea through integrated policies and increased resource mobilisation;

·         Use the GAPPD to determine what specific plans, investments and partners are needed to achieve the greatest health impact in your country;

·         Identify clear roles and responsibilities and establish transparent governance and accountability structures across ministries, sectors and partners;

·         Engage affected communities, civil society, the private sector, donor agencies and multilateral institutions to assess how the GAPPD can be used to strengthen efforts in your country;

·         Put a specific focus on and dedicate resources toward reducing inequalities and reaching those in greatest need to both maximise health impact and improve equity; and

·         Support communities most affected as they implement integrated strategies.

We call on the private sector to:

·         Produce quality, affordable treatments and vaccines in child-friendly formulations that are easy to administer and to improve distribution to ensure these products reach the most vulnerable children;

·         Develop and deliver improved water treatment, sanitation products and clean-cooking technologies and support service delivery that is accessible and affordable to all; and

·         Conduct evidence-based communications campaigns to increase demand among families and health providers.

We call on bilateral and private donor agencies to:

·         Provide technical and financial support to countries adopting the GAPPD as part of their national child survival commitments;

·         Scale up investments in and support for governments working towards integration in accordance with internationally recognised principles of aid effectiveness; and

·         Incentivise integrated approaches to protect, prevent and treat pneumonia and diarrhoea in the way funds are disbursed, results are measured and global and national policies are influenced. 

We call on WHO and UNICEF to:

·         Harness their regional and national program staff to work with member countries on effective implementation of the GAPPD.

While stepping up efforts to meet Millennium Development Goal 4—a two-thirds reduction in child deaths by 2015, those working on the post-2015 development framework must prioritise integrated approaches to improving child health, such as the GAPPD, and set time-bound goals and targets for expanding access to health care, safe water and sanitation and clean and safe cooking technologies.
We can save countless lives by using an integrated approach to fighting disease, improving access to proven interventions and by prioritising efforts to reach the poorest and most marginalised children. As the latest data demonstrate, the GAPPD provides the most cost-effective approach and will help achieve the greatest impact in reducing child deaths.
We call on all partners who value saving children’s lives and improving health to join us in supporting rapid implementation of the GAPPD. We can do far more by working together than any one of us could do alone.List of the organisations signing on:

·         Abibimman Foundation

·         Abt Associates

·         ACTION

·         Action Pour le Developpement Agro Pastoral

·         Aide aux Familles et Victimes des Migrations Clandestines

·         African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF USA)

·         Africare

·         Afrihealth Information Projects/Afrihealth Optonet Association

·         ALLERT Lusoga Chapter

·         Alternative Sante

·         American Academy of Pediatrics

·         APPA Congo

·         ARK, Absolute Return for Kids

·         BRAC International

·         Building Capacities for Better Health in Africa

·         CADECOD

·         Cameroon Coalition Against Malaria 

·         Citizens united to Promote Peace & Democracy in Liberia

·         Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme

·         Clinton Health Access Initiative

·         Coalition of Dam Communities

·         Communication for Development Centre

·         CORE Group

·         Drop in the Bucket

·         EKHCDP Integrated Water and Sanitation Program

·         Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

·         Episcopal Relief and Development

·         End Water Poverty

·         Environmental Initiative Organization for Sustainable Development

·         Family and Youth Health Initiative

·         FEMNET

·         FHI 360

·         FIS (For Impacts in Social Health)

·         Food for the Hungry

·         Freshwater Action Network Mexico

·         Future Generations, Ghana

·         Future Generations, Peru

·         Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves

·         Grameen Development Society

·         Helen Keller International

·         Human Development Society

·         Icddr. B

·         Indian Academy of Pediatrics

·         International Pediatric Associations

·         IRSP

·         Jeunesse Environnement Démocratie Développement 

·         Johns Hopkins University International Vaccine Access Center

·         JSI

·         Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO)

·         KASWESHA Housing Cooperative Society

·         The Korean Pediatric Society

·         Le RAME (Réseau Accès aux Médicaments Essentiels)

·         Liberia CSOs WASH Network

·         L’Union des ONG du Togo

·         Makerere University College of Health Sciences 

·         Macau Pediatric Society               

·         Malaria Consortium

·         Management Sciences for Health 

·         Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program 

·         MDG Alliance

·         Medair

·         Merlin

·         Micronutrient Initiative

·         Millennium Water Alliance

·         NAADUTARO (Pastoralists’ Survival Options)

·         NewEnergy

·         Operation Smile

·         Paediatrics & Child Health Division, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

·         Pakistan and Human Resource Development Network

·         Pakistan Pediatric Association Center

·         Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization

·         PAMO Volunteers

·         PATH

·         Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International

·         PEVODE

·         Presbyterian Church of East Africa Eastleigh Community 

·         PROVARESC – Plate Forme pour la Promotion de la Vaccination et le Renforcement du Système de Santé au Cameroun)

·         PSI (Population Services International)

·         Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, India

·         RESULTS Canada

·         RESULTS International (Australia)

·         RESULTS UK

·         RESULTS US

·         Real Opportunities Network

·         Rural Area Development Programme

·         Save the Children US

·         Sambhav Social Service Organization

·         Sindhica Reforms Society Pakistan

·         Tearfund

·         Uganda Environmental Education Foundation

·         Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network

·         Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

·         U.S. Fund for UNICEF

·         WaterAid

·         WASH Advocates

·         WASH Canada

·         Water Centric, Inc.

·         Water for People

·         Wellbeing Foundation Africa

·         World Vision International

·         Wote Youth Development Projects

·         Youth Association for Development

·         Youth Partnership for Peace and Development, Sierra Leone


·         Austin Arinze Obiefuna

·         Clarisse Loé L., Paediatrician, Alternative Santé Cameroon

·         Prof. M. Ashraf Sultan

·         Elizabeth Burleigh, MPH, PhD

·         Dr. Pappu Sarma

·         Jonas Mbwangue

Key resources:

·         NGO and CSO Press Release

·         Individual Comments and Statements of Support from Key Leaders and Experts

·         WHO and UNICEF’s GAPPD Report and Related Content (These materials are embargoed until April 12. Please contact Guillermo Meneses for advance access.)

·         The Lancet series on Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (Please note: these articles are embargoed until April 12. Please contact Guillermo Meneses for advance access.)

·         For a comprehensive suite of resources and materials, please visit:

For media inquiries, please contact:Guillermo Meneses at,
+1 202.813.4821 or +1 202.445.1570 (mobile)