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Raise a glass for World Water Day!

February 20, 2014

Every year on World Water Day (March 22), we celebrate the lifesaving impact of water: a foundation for healthy children, families, and communities. Water is a basic need that connectsus all, regardless of where we live. So this year, we invite you to raise a glass with us.

Join us throughout the month of March for a virtual, worldwide toast. Simply take a photo of yourself (or with a group) raising a glass of water and share it on social media using the hashtag #cheerstoH2O.

You can use your photo to celebrate global progress, thank policymakers who have shown leadership, and call on others to join the movement. See some examples below.



 Sample message:#cheerstoH2O! Raise a glass with me to celebrate #WorldWaterDay. Learn more: [UPLOAD PHOTO]


“To your health” can be more than a wish; it can be an intention we set through policy. This year, the World Water Day coalition’s goal is to raise awareness and support for the Water for the World Act (#water4world), a bipartisan bill that would improve the targeting of resources to the communities with greatest need, increase coordination and integration with other US government agencies and development issues, and ensure long-term sustainability and transparency with a monitoring and evaluation frame work . For more information about the Water for the World Act, click here.

(1) Say thanks to current cosponsors:

Tag the target cosponsor in your photo caption on Twitter or post your photo on the target’s Facebook wall (remembering to include the #cheerstoH2O hashtag).
Sample message: Thanks @JudgeTedPoe for cosponsoring #water4world. Here’s to your health and to #globalhealth! #cheerstoH2O [PHOTO]


(2) Solicit additional support:

Ask your elected officials to support Water for the World. Find your Representative here.

Sample message: Everyone deserves the chance to raise a glass to good health. Please support #water4world. #cheerstoH2O [PHOTO]

Join the Thunderclap

To celebrate the completion of another successful Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, we’ll all say “cheers” at the same time on March 14th to make a big social media splash for the Water for the World Act. Sign up here! 


Thanks for raising a glass with us! Visit Storify to see who has joined the party so far.