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GAPPD resources

January 2, 2014

The Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD), a 2013 global plan from UNICEF and WHO, represents the first-ever simultaneous effort to protect children from pneumonia and diarrhoea, the two leading killer diseases of children less than five years old.

Designed to inform global and national programs and policies, the GAPPD provides a framework to protect children, prevent disease, and treat children who do become sick using proven interventions that have already contributed to major reductions in child deaths.

The NGO community issued a statement of support for the GAPPD and pledged to begin immediately working with national governments, donors, multilateral institutions, the private sector and other partners to make the global framework a reality in the countries and communities hardest hit.

In the menu of links below, you will find several materials to assist global and national advocacy and communication about the GAPPD.

o    Advocacy Calendar

o    Messaging

o    Slidedeck

o    Advocacy Actions

o    Monitoring progress

o    Sample press release

o    Sample NGO/CSO letter to minister of health

o    Sample policy brief

o    FAQs

o    Social Media Tools