A group of smiling children stand in front of a textured, mud wall. The children are dressed in casual clothes, with some wearing T-shirts and one child holding a toddler. They appear joyful and close-knit.
A YouTube video screenshot titled "Toilet Talks" features six people sitting in what appears to be bathroom stalls. The group includes a diverse mix of individuals with varying expressions. The video play button is centered in the image.
Nov 15, 2017

Toilet Talks

We need your help to make a stink about diarrheal disease and the solutions to defeat it: Create and share a Toilet Talk! It's like a one-minute TED Talk in a bathroom, and you can share it on social media using the hashtag #DefeatDD.
Two young children are pictured close to the camera, with one child in an orange dress in the foreground and another child smiling in the background. The logos of the "Defeat DD" and "PATH" organizations are present along with the © Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation credit.
Nov 09, 2017

Stop the Cycle of Diarrheal Disease: A state of the field report

Childhood diarrhea deaths have decreased, but children are still getting sick and infections are a major problem. Children who survive an episode but are faced with repeated infections are more likely to suffer from lifelong cognitive and physical im...
A blue background with a white outline of a toilet at the top. Below the illustration, the text reads "Toilet Talks" in a casual font. At the bottom, there's the hashtag "#DEFEATDD" with “DD” in yellow.
Oct 22, 2017

Toilet talk how-to guide

Campaign overview   We need your help to make a stink about diarrheal disease and the importance of safe sanitation and other solutions to defeat it.  
A close-up of hands being washed under a flowing outdoor faucet, with water splashing in all directions. The background shows blurred figures and greenery, indicating an outdoor rural setting.
Oct 10, 2017

Handwashing education to prevent diarrhea

Handwashing can prevent nearly half of diarrhea cases. Educating mothers on the six steps of handwashing can have enormous impact.
A group of children, beaming with wide smiles and laughter, stand closely together against a weathered, outdoor backdrop. They appear to be in a joyful mood, with some raising their hands and others playfully embracing each other.

All children deserve to reach their full potential

We know how to prevent deaths and long-term suffering from diarrheal disease. 
A woman leans over and tends to a baby wrapped in a colorful blanket, cradled by another woman sitting on a bed. The setting appears to be a modest room with curtains and other beds, suggesting a hospital or care facility.

Treat diarrhea with ORS and zinc

Diarrhea is dangerous because of dehydration. ORS and zinc are recommended as the cornerstone diarrhea treatment by the World Health Organization.
Illustration depicting various microorganisms, including red and orange bacteria, a green virus-like structure, and yellow circular cells on a dark background. The bottom of the image shows a stylized depiction of a cell membrane with red components.

Integrate WASH and nutrition to prevent gut damage

Did you know that repeated gut infections like diarrhea can lead to malnutrition? We need integrated approaches to defeat diarrheal disease.  Learn more by exploring our infographic.
A young child receives an oral vaccine administered by a healthcare professional wearing gloves. The child is sitting in an adult's lap, and the adult holds the child's head steady. Both appear to be inside a clinic.
Oct 09, 2017

The protective power of vaccines against diarrhea

Rotavirus vaccines are saving lives and reducing hospital costs, showing us what's possible. Now PATH, icddr,b, and other partners have set their sights on vaccines against other leading diarrheal pathogens like ETEC and Shigella.