A group of smiling children stand in front of a textured, mud wall. The children are dressed in casual clothes, with some wearing T-shirts and one child holding a toddler. They appear joyful and close-knit.

Government of Kenya Unveils New Policy to Combat Diarrheal Disease

On March 31, 2010, the Government of Kenya stepped out as a regional leader in the renewed fight against DD—unveiling an updated national policy to manage and control diarrheal disease.  The policy, which highlights traditional and new interventio...

Oral Rehydration Therapy

Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) focuses on replacing lost fluids through [l|node/221|Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)], breast milk, soups, cereals, and rice water mixed with salt. [l|node/89|Learn more about prevention and treatment of diarrheal dise...

Infant & Young Child Feeding

//--> //--> It is essential to provide infants and young children with proper nutrition.


In the developing world, where treatment can be hard to access, diarrhea can be deadly. Prevention of diarrheal disease through immunization is a relatively new intervention, but is becoming an essential and lifesaving part of diarrhea control strate...

Water & Sanitation

[l|node/223|Safe drinking water] is essential to good health, but more than 880 million people worldwide lack access to it, according to UNICEF. Additionally, approximately 2.5 billion people around the world do not have access to basic sanitation. T...
Collage featuring images of children and caregivers from different parts of the world, colorful handmade crafts, and a young boy reaching out with a joyful expression. The text reads "DIARRHEAL DISEASE: Solutions to Defeat a Global Killer" at the bottom.
Apr 01, 2009

Solutions to Defeat a Global Killer

Several countries and organizations are successfully scaling up use of interventions to overcome childhood diarrhea, including safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene, breastfeeding and optimal complementary feeding, rotavirus vaccines, zinc trea...
A woman smiles at the camera while holding a child in front of a brick wall. A poster with Bengali text about diarrhea prevention and treatment is visible behind them, showing illustrations of clean water, medicines, and steps for ensuring hygiene and health.

Defeating Rotavirus and Diarrheal Disease in Bangladesh

Take a trip with the DefeatDD team, reflecting on a visit to Bangladesh in 2009 to witness a pivotal clinical study of rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in impoverished communities where diarrheal disease is a common killer and access to prevention and...
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Zinc and low osmolarity oral rehydration salts for diarrhoea: a renewed call to action

Diarrhoea remains a leading cause of death among infants and young children, accounting for 18% of child deaths and 13% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).