Sep 15, 2021
Climate change is the biggest global health threat
As climate extremes become more common due to climate change, they will put stress on the world’s water and sanitation systems – many of which are aging, poorly planned, or nonexistent. This means more outbreaks of waterborne disease, and those w...

Mar 15, 2021
Women Leaders in Child Health
Dr. Iturriza-Gomara is a virologist, with expertise in enteric virus infections, virus evolution, and molecular tools for diagnosing, monitoring, and tracking infections.

Oct 01, 2020
The cost of diarrhea adds up
When evaluating the cost of diarrheal disease, one should include not only direct treatment expenses, but also direct non-medical costs such as travel expenses for a visit to a health care facility and indirect costs such as lost income and product...

Sep 29, 2020
Average cost of a diarrhea case
Even one case of diarrhea can cost a family enough to push them into poverty. This bar chart shows estimates of the average cost of one diarrhea case among children in 137 low- and middle-income countries.

Apr 18, 2020
Child survival revolution
In 1980, 14 million young children were dying every year in low-income countries – and diarrheal diseases led the count with three million deaths each year.

Jan 16, 2020
WASH and vaccines: Better together
Vaccines and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are both necessary to provide communities with comprehensive protection from disease. When both are present, they work even better. Learn more.

Sep 15, 2018
WHO-Prequalified rotavirus vaccines
Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe childhood diarrhea. It disproportionately burdens impoverished communities of Africa and Southeast Asia. But nearly every child in the world is at risk. Rotavirus infections cannot be treated with antibiotics ...

Aug 01, 2018
Overcoming the 'poo taboo'
We can't #DefeatDD if we don't talk about it.
Click here to learn more about the DefeatDD advocacy campaign!

Aug 01, 2018
Diarrhea: myths versus facts
Help us break the poo taboo. Each of these myths comes with a corresponding fact and we suggest posting them together.
Download the graphics here.
For background on the myth versus facts, read our blog: Diarrhea Myths, Debunked.