Apr 17, 2024
Vaccines blaze a trail for child health
2025 marks the 25th anniversary of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, an innovative funding model through which more than one billion children in low-income countries have been vaccinated.

Jan 10, 2023
Child health in Kenya: opportunities and actions
Kenya’s unified policy for child health is a commitment to families and communities.

Mar 05, 2021
Gender-Equitable Families and Health Systems are Better for Children
Essential medicines, vaccines, hygiene, education, and adequate nutrition: these are the tools you might typically associate with child health.

May 04, 2020
Carrying Children Through COVID-19 and Beyond
For more than a decade, you’ve advocated with us to protect children at the highest risk of deadly diarrheal infections.

Nov 11, 2019
A universal health revoLOOtion
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a painful case study about the consequences of not investing in longstanding, essential public health basics.

Feb 01, 2019
Oral rehydration solution (ORS) + zinc co-pack
In July 2019, the World Health Organization set the global norm to deploy a simple, powerful game-changer: the ORS + zinc co-pack.

Aug 01, 2018
Diarrhea: A Significant, Solvable Crisis
If you are new DefeatDD advocate or know someone who is, these resources are a great place to start.

May 02, 2018
Take the Plunge
DefeatDD has created a lot of content over the years, from in-the-field videos and playful animations to reports and infographics.

Dec 19, 2017
Toilet Talks
Toilet Talks received an Honorable Mention in the Cause Advocacy category of PR Daily's 2018 Digital PR and Social Media Awards.
Oh, the places we go
We believe the best social media campaigns are resourceful and creative with content, using it to stimulate discussion beyond the interwebs. After two successful Poo Haiku campaigns, we asked ourselves how DefeatDD could make this leap from digital

Mar 01, 2014
Every year on World Water Day (March 22), we celebrate the lifesaving impact of water, a basic need that connects us all, regardless of where we live. In March 2014, we invited advocates to raise a glass with us. On behalf of the World Water

Nov 09, 2013
Global observance days
While this list is by no means exhaustive, these global health observance days enjoy a guaranteed recurring reservation on our annual DefeatDD work plan

Sep 09, 2013
In April 2013, UNICEF and WHO launched the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD)