A close-up of an adult hand holding a health record card, with a small child’s hand gently grasping one of the adult's fingers. The health record card has text and data entries on it. The background fabric is patterned with colorful designs.

2025 marks the 25th anniversary of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, an innovative funding model through which more than one billion children in low-income countries have been vaccinated. In 2024, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), a system that works to ensure successful supply and delivery of critical vaccines to each child. Collective investments of donors and policymakers have made these milestones possible, and they have paid dividends.

Vaccines and the systems that deliver them are among the greatest buys in public health. They fund health workers and supply chains and provide a platform for simultaneously delivering numerous diarrhea prevention and treatment services. Strong immunization systems are critical as we face emergent threats to child health, including conflict, migration, and economic challenges. “Zero-dose children” who miss out on vaccines are often those experiencing the worst impacts of these threats and could benefit from all that immunization systems have to offer.

Use the resources below to help us advocate for continued investment in strong immunization systems to defeat infectious diseases like diarrhea and blaze a trail for child health.

Immunization as an entry point

Immunization is an opportunity to provide other health services

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A woman and a girl, both smiling, pose together. The woman wears a red patterned scarf, and the girl wears a white one. Text reads: "Generate at least US$ 100 billion in economic benefits for Gavi implementing countries. #ForOurFuture.
Graphic: Gavi replenishment
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Graphic with a blue background depicting a black faucet and a syringe below it. The text in the middle reads "WASH and vaccines: Better together." The logo at the bottom says "DEFEATDD.
Graphic: WASH and immunizations
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Illustration of an adult with a baby on their lap, interacting with another adult in a white outfit, sitting in a dimly lit room.
Video: Rotavirus vaccines and WASH
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A health worker in a blue sweater sits on a bench explaining health information to a woman holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. They are in a clinic with informational posters on the wall behind them.
Blog: Strong health systems
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