
A young girl sits against a concrete wall, holding a blue container with both hands. She is smiling and looking to the side. The text "#CheerstoH2O" is on the left side of the image.

Every year on World Water Day (March 22), we celebrate the lifesaving impact of water, a basic need that connects us all, regardless of where we live. In March 2014, we invited advocates to raise a glass with us.

On behalf of the World Water Day coalition, DefeatDD spearheaded the #CheersToH2O social media campaign to support the passage of the Water for the World Act: legislation that strengthened US government in water and sanitation by improving coordination and focus on the poorest communities.

Conducted in tandem with advocacy meetings on Capitol Hill, advocates posted photos of themselves raising a glass of water to show their support for the issue, tagged their Members of Congress to ask them to cosponsor the legislation, and thanked current cosponsors and champions.

During the month-long campaign, the #CheersToH2O hashtag was used nearly 900 times and garnered participation from around the globe. Global health and development leaders and influencers participating in the campaign included then-leader of USAID, Raj Shah; former First Daughter and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, Chelsea Clinton; PATH’s President and CEO, Steve Davis; and PSI’s President Karl Hofmann. The campaign reached more than 20 policymakers and their staff.

Congress passed the Water for the World Act with strong bipartisan support in December 2014. We’re proud that #CheerstoH2O played a role in a multi-faceted, and ultimately successful, advocacy strategy to prioritize greater investments in safe drinking water and sanitation.

View a few of our favorite photos from the campaign.

A group of adults and children gather outside in front of a display of USAID and P&G boxes. The adults hold up cups of water, smiling, while children stand and sit in front of them. Trees and a building are visible in the background.

Then-USAID Administrator Raj Shah says “cheers to H2O” with a group of children in Myanmar.