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A latrine in Ecuador floods after a storm
Sep 21, 2021
Photo: A latrine in Ecuador floods after heavy rains, causing sewage to seep into groundwater. Credit: Karen Levy  
Infant in Gaza receives ROTAVAC from healthcare worker while mother looks on
Sep 15, 2021
Rotavirus, the leading cause of severe childhood diarrheal illness and deaths, represented a significant public health burden in Palestine prior to the introduction of rotavirus vaccination. Surveillance of diarrheal and rotavirus-specific disease
Aug 30, 2021
Experts share insights on the links between climate change, sanitation, and diseases like diarrhea - and how to adapt WASH to meet climate challenges - at a World Water Week virtual session.
A CHW cares for a sick child next to her mother. BRAC Uganda
Aug 24, 2021
ORS and zinc are among the most cost-effective child health interventions available. Simple changes in distribution methods could help ensure that all children benefit.
In which MICs would rotavirus vaccines have the greatest benefit?
Aug 18, 2021
Middle-income countries ineligible for Gavi support have lagged in introducing rotavirus vaccines. Low-cost vaccines offer a cost-effective option for these countries.
Participants view posters at VASE 2018
Aug 09, 2021
As everyone knows, the world has changed considerably in the last 18 months. In March 2020, we were busy getting ready for our third biennial Vaccines Against Shigella and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) Conference—known as the VASE
A mother breastfeeds her infant while the father prepares food in the background
Aug 03, 2021
Pandemic disruptions in access to support have caused global breastfeeding rates to fall. More support is urgently needed to protect babies.
Boxing gloves labeled ORS and zinc with co-pack ingredients in between them
Jul 29, 2021
Only 7% of children who need diarrhea treatment get ORS and zinc. The co-pack could help.
Jul 19, 2021
On Friday, July 16, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) released its first updated rotavirus vaccine position paper since 2013. WHO’s position papers summarize all currently known research relevant to a vaccination against a certain pathogen
Woman holds a cup to feed her infant child
Jun 29, 2021
As the world brings their attention to advancing women’s rights with the Generation Equality Forum this week in Paris, let’s remember how vital a tool good nutrition is in achieving women's and girls’ empowerment.