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Dec 02, 2010
During my recent trip to Kenya, my mission was to explore the ways we can better engage women as advocates for child health. In several interviews with health care workers, NGOs, and community leaders, I repeatedly heard the words, “Just give women
Nov 24, 2010
I spent last Friday evening celebrating toilets and talking to a group of nerds about the deadly global impact of diarrheal disease and the solutions to defeat it.
Nov 22, 2010
Bread for the World Institute has just released its 2011 Hunger Report, Our Common Interest: Ending Hunger and Malnutrition. The report is available in print and online for free at This is the 21st edition of the Institute's
Nov 19, 2010
We have heard many times that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, while one might not immediately see the connection between beauty and a toilet, investments in sanitation can literally make the difference between life and death.  This would
Nov 16, 2010
On an outing long ago with my Aunt Frieda, I needed to use the bathroom. This struck her as a calamity because she had a horror of public bathrooms, and she was frantic about me not touching any surface in the rather nice and clean department store
Nov 12, 2010
With communications in high gear for World Pneumonia Day, I have spent a lot of time recently helping to get out the word about the world's leading killer of children under five. The Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia, which was formed last
Nov 11, 2010
Diarrhea is one of the top infectious disease threats to deployed American forces.
Nov 09, 2010
This week, PATH is co-hosting a symposium - along with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health and Vietnam's National Pediatric Hospital - on the importance of taking an integrated approach to defeating diarrheal disease.  The gathering will bring
Nov 04, 2010
My son Eli is three months old (and he's darn cute, if you don't mind me saying so!).
Nov 02, 2010
Sometimes, our work in global health seems to happen in an "echo chamber," where information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission inside an "enclosed" space.