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Jul 23, 2012
Restful nights mean better tomorrows for families, communities, and nations. Rotavirus vaccines are one of the latest tools for moms globally.   Precious sleep. From birth, it is essential to our health and well-being. And no one knows this more
Jul 18, 2012
Children in Zambia are dying from three major killers: malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea.
Jul 12, 2012
When Immanuel fell ill with diarrhea, Catherine knew what to do.
Jul 05, 2012
  Infectious disease isn't the only thing that can go viral these days. Facebook posts and tweets can, too, which makes social media pretty powerful stuff.  
Jun 28, 2012
  Five years ago, when Mitesh Gupta was born in Badohi (Uttar Pradesh), his mother Malti says, he was just fine. Five months down, the boy began to have severe episodes of diarrhea. Seeing no respite in the boy's condition, she opted to bring him
Jun 20, 2012
  “Oh, Stephanie, NO. Not while we're eating our dinner!”   This is how the conversation usually goes when my parents make the mistake of asking me how my job is going over a family meal. I have become so used to discussing this subject, I forget
Jun 14, 2012
  As health leaders from around the globe gather for the Child Survival Call to Action, it is heartening to see India take a leadership role as co-convener of the Summit. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Minister of Health and Family Welfare for India, will help
Jun 12, 2012
  The Great, the Good and the Glamorous are gathering in Washington DC this week to talk about some really big issues affecting the world's poorest and most vulnerable children and adults.   Anyone who is anyone in Global Health and Development