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Oct 11, 2012
Update: The contest is closed, but the conversation shouldn't be! Keep on sharing with the hashtag #poohaiku. For inspiration, see the winning haikus here.   What inspired us to create the Poo Haiku Contest? We couldn't have said it better than @
Sep 25, 2012
Dennis Malambo is Kabulanga Branch Manager for Lusaka Water and Sewerage. Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka, is growing rapidly and it is not slowing down. The country’s population is projected to increase exponentially by the end of the century – the
Sep 05, 2012
Advocates in Viet Nam in front of a pledge banner with hundreds of moms' signatures in support of six months maternity leave. Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is one of the most effective ways to reduce a child's risk of diarrheal disease. In
Aug 27, 2012
Aug 22, 2012
  As doctors and researchers, we have spent our lives treating sick children and consoling families rocked by illnesses and deaths that could have been prevented. Too many times, we have lost patients to preventable causes like diarrhea.  
Aug 17, 2012
  Everywhere we went in Zambia, there were reminders of water. There were the fantastic and inspiring people we met working on WASH programs, of course, whose magnitude and potential—and impact already—is certainly worth notice. But there were
Aug 07, 2012
  Many of you already know about our team's recent trip to Zambia to document diarrheal disease control efforts, but you might not know that we also spent a few extra days to fall off of the social media grid and drink in the beauty of the