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Dec 04, 2013
  As Co-Chair of the All Party Group for Child Health and Vaccine Preventable Diseases, I have been extremely fortunate to visit a number public health programmes in the developing world. With each visit I have been privileged to meet with some of
Nov 18, 2013
  Today, November 19, is World Toilet Day. But unless you only plan on using the toilet once a year, we think it makes sense to celebrate this unsung hero every day.   That's why today, without further a-doo, we launch our long-awaited 2014
Nov 11, 2013
  Ask your average American about the biggest health challenges for children in poor countries, and you may hear a range of things. Two words you are not likely to hear are “pneumonia” and “diarrhea.” That is because many don't know that pneumonia
Nov 07, 2013
I took my son to the doctor recently. In one office, during one visit, he had a physical check-up, vision and hearing exams, and he received counseling on nutrition, and several vaccines. While to many parents around this world, this is unremarkable
Nov 01, 2013
Madame Chantal Compaoré, First Lady of Burkina Faso, holds the baby given the first dose of rotavirus vaccine at the official launch ceremony of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, which took place in the rural community of Tanghin Dassouri.October
Oct 23, 2013
Kiersten at a mothers' group meeting  in Khiro block, district Rai Bareli in  Uttar Pradesh, India.
Oct 15, 2013
  PATH's team tested designs for hand-washing stations with all ages. Photo: PATH/Walter Thorn.     Originally posted on the PATH blog   Think about how you wash your hands. Are you happy with the process?
Oct 03, 2013
  In August I attended the International Congress of Pediatrics, which was hosted in Melbourne, Australia.  The Congress is a global meeting place of physicians, researchers, nurses and health care workers in the field of pediatrics and civil