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Jan 15, 2015
Several health clinics in Indonesia implemented electronic systems to capture data, but one facility in particular far outperformed the rest in almost every indicator measured. However, this should not have been the case. This facility was more
Dec 22, 2014
  With two college-going children - pardon - adults in the house - it is difficult to recall them reaching their fifth year milestone. I still recall, though, the amazement that often came from friends and family in the larger cities of India (who
Dec 17, 2014
This is one of my favorite photos: the joy and playfulness of these children is a great reminder of why we do what we do! Photo credit: PATH.  
Dec 15, 2014
The author's own newborn. “Umm… now what do we do?”   Someone in my family is brand new. As this blog posts, I'm freshly arrived in Atlanta to lend an extra set of hands to my sister, her husband, and their newborn daughter.
Dec 11, 2014
I joined the poo crew five short months ago, and I should have known immediately that these ladies love to talk about poop! My first clue should have been the picture of urinals on the calendar that hung in my cube. Instead, I thought to myself, “
Dec 04, 2014
I wish I could remember what the five-year old me told my parents I wanted to be when I grew up. I am pretty sure I didn't say I wanted a job about diarrhea. And yet… I've heard many celebrities say they have the greatest job in the world - acting
Nov 12, 2014
As we mark the sixth annual World Pneumonia Day this month, you might be wondering why you should continue to care. You may have heard that pneumonia vaccines have been rolling out all over the world, even to many of the world's poorest countries.
Oct 21, 2014
This morning I awoke to some rare good news regarding Ebola.  Nigeria has been declared Ebola-free by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. 
Oct 15, 2014
“Shh” is a very important sound in my toddler's ever-expanding lexicon. The dominant - or, at the very least, the most fun - sound in many of her attempts at communication, “shh” can mean fish, shoe, brush. It can tell Mommy to please stop reading
Oct 06, 2014
 Monday, October 6th is World Habitat Day - an event created by the United Nations to draw international attention to the importance of the built environment in achieving development goals and to raise awareness of healthy shelters as a basic human