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Jan 26, 2017
This post originally appeared on the Aga Khan Development Network Comprehensive Sanitation Initiative.  
Jan 19, 2017
Last week, Punjab province in Pakistan introduced rotavirus vaccine into its routine childhood immunization program. This is such a major step forward for our global goal of reducing rotavirus mortality and burden!  
Jan 12, 2017
Just prior to starting at PATH, Fred went kayak camping for several days on the New River (one of the nation’s oldest rivers, which flows north), starting in western North Carolina and ending up in Virginia.  
Jan 04, 2017
Five years ago, when I started working for PATH, I was just married. I was exhilarated to be part of a globally renowned, knowledgeable rotavirus vaccine clinical operations team. Long before I experienced bringing up my daughters, I was working
Dec 28, 2016
If we have one gripe about social media, it’s that great content slips by too quickly. So please join us for one more look back over the year’s reader favorites before we say goodbye to 2016.   5. DefeatDD's new infographic on gut damage makes
Dec 19, 2016
This post originally appeared on   
Dec 12, 2016
For non-technical viewers, data often lacks accessibility. But when data is broken down and refined through visualization, it can become a compelling storyteller and tool in evidence-based decision-making.  
Dec 07, 2016
"The sun never sets on the Enterobax Empire." Illustration by Ishir Sharma, age 13.   
Nov 17, 2016
Honduras is a mountainous, beautiful country checkered with neatly planted fields of corn and beans, thick plantations of bananas, and swaying swaths of sugar cane. Despite the lush scenery, life for rural Hondurans is often much more complicated
Nov 12, 2016
What makes a winning haiku?   Hmm. I should know, shouldn’t I? This is DefeatDD’s third Poo Haiku campaign, so I’ve had plenty of time to think it over.   Do the best haikus have the highest data-to-syllable ratio? Kat Kelley’s haiku hit it out