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Infant receives ROTAVAC in India. Monica Tiwari/IVAC
Dec 22, 2020
Even in this crazy year, we managed to make some progress against the deadliest form of childhood diarrhea.
Palestinian Ministry of Health case log book
Dec 16, 2020
Conducting an economic evaluation of a switch from ROTARIX to ROTAVAC allowed the Palestinian Ministry of Health to validate the payoff of its decision.
Mother holds smiling child at an ORS clinic in Cambodia.
Dec 09, 2020
When one child dies of diarrhea, it reflects a collective failure. We can no longer go back to the status quo; we need universal health coverage now.
Infant girl receives oral rehydration solution (ORS) at a clinic in Cambodia.
Nov 23, 2020
Existing tools - WASH, vaccines, and ORS+zinc - can help prevent and treat diarrhea infections with no need for antibiotics.
Nov 16, 2020
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) were some of the original building blocks of primary healthcare.
Mother holds infant daughter while receiving rotavirus vaccine
Nov 12, 2020
Children living in communities that already bear a disproportionate burden of pneumonia and diarrheal disease must now also content with the impacts of COVID-19.
Infant Vusi Jeri receives oral rotavirus vaccine in Zambia
Oct 29, 2020
In a study from Zambia, poor nutrition appears to protect children from rotavirus infection. It's a mystery that begs for more research.
Mother with Kit Yamoyo
Oct 28, 2020
New resource provides a how-to guide for accelerating country uptake of WHO's recommended childhood diarrhea treatment.
Scientist fills assay plate with sample
Oct 21, 2020
A new laboratory diagnostic tool can help identify environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) in children.
Boy washes his hands at a health clinic in Zambia. PATH/Gareth Bentley
Oct 13, 2020
In the time of COVID, the future is in our hands. Literally.