A group of women sit on benches in a waiting area, each holding a young child. The background features several posted notices on the wall. A healthcare worker bends over a table on the right side of the image.
A collage with four images: A child in a hospital bed, a poster for World Toilet Day 2023, an infographic on diarrhea dangers, and children at a water pump. The collage highlights the impact of diarrhea and the importance of hygiene and sanitation.
Jan 10, 2024

Reader’s Favorites in 2023

As we ready ourselves for the new year, let’s learn from past blogs by taking a look at the top five DefeatDD blogs–reader’s favorites–in 2023
Two babies are sitting on the laps of adults. One baby wears a white outfit, looking inquisitively at the other, who holds a document. The adults wear colorful patterned clothing, seated closely together.
Dec 13, 2023

The Impact of Introducing Rotavirus and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) in Chad, Guinea, Somalia and South Sudan

Pneumonia and diarrhea continue to be leading infectious causes of childhood mortality, what do we know about the impact of immunizations?
A promotional image for World Toilet Day 2023. Large yellow and white text reads "Be the change. Use your voice" on a black background. A colorful bird illustration is featured below the text. Logos for World Toilet Day and "Sanitation for All: Countdown to 2030" are at the top.
Nov 22, 2023

You have a role to play to ensure safe sanitation for all

World Toilet Day might be over, but the UN Water logo of the dedicated hummingbird from the ancient story is still flapping its wings, reminding us of what we announced at the UN Water Conference in March 2023.
A person in a blue hijab stands outside behind walls made of vertical wooden sticks, next to a concrete slab with a blue-painted hole, which appears to be a latrine. The ground is bare and the walls create narrow pathways. The sky is grey.
Nov 16, 2023

World Toilet Day 2023: a time to remember that diarrhoeal disease is a global health crisis targeting our children

Sanitation is a human right and yet 3.5 billion people still have no safe toilets and 419 million still have to defecate in the open.
A child runs past an outdoor toilet structure. The image promotes World Toilet Day 2023 with the message: "Invest in diarrhea prevention and treatment for every child." Colorful arrows emphasize movement and urgency. Hashtags: #WorldToiletDay #DefeatDD.
Nov 06, 2023

World Toilet Day: Don't Stall

World Toilet Day is a global observation recognized annually. This year, our theme is “Don’t Stall” to promote urgency in addressing some of the most dire global health challenges.
A healthcare worker in a floral print dress administers an oral vaccine to a baby held by a woman wearing a colorful headscarf and patterned clothing. The scene is indoors with medical supplies in the background, emphasizing a healthcare setting.
Nov 01, 2023

Can Vaccines Protect Children’s Growth?

PATH analyzed the potential impact of a Shigella vaccine that could combat growth faltering as a result of diarrhea infection.
Infographic titled "Climate Change = More Diarrheal Disease." It features a sequence of images: a factory emitting smoke, a globe with temperature and rainfall variations, and a scene of flooding, droughts, and famine. Text indicates the progression from CO2 emissions to these impacts.
Oct 18, 2023

Weather and Diarrheal Disease – What do we know?

Flooding, heat waves, drought, and other extreme weather events have an immense impact on human health. Learn more about the effect on diarrheal disease.
A close-up of people sitting on the floor, sharing a meal on a metal tray. The tray contains two bowls of curry and several fried pastries. One hand is reaching for food, and a child’s hands are also visible. The floor is wooden, and a patterned cloth is seen underneath.
Oct 13, 2023

Ending the vicious cycle of diarrhea and malnutrition: examples from Southeast Asia

In this time of post-pandemic economic recovery, many countries are confronting concurrent multiple challenges including high inflation, adverse weather conditions due to El Niño, and difficulties importing food due to conflict-driven challenges.
An elderly man wearing glasses and a white shirt stands outdoors. He is smiling and has a brown poop emoji hat on his head. The background features a fence and a colorful mural with green and blue tones. There are plants and a chair nearby.
Sep 28, 2023

DefeatDD bids happy retirement to the incom-poo-rable Lou Bourgeois

It’s the end of an era for PATH and for the DefeatDD team. After 15 years at PATH, Dr. Lou Bourgeois, a well-known investigator  in the field of enteric vaccine research, is retiring. Before he leaves, we sat down with him to reflect on his except...
Sep 20, 2023

Ten Years On: How Have Rotavirus Vaccines Impacted Diarrhea Cases?

Rotavirus vaccines are safe, effective, and reaching more children than ever before. But rotavirus still tops the list of pathogens responsible for deadly diarrhea in sub-Saharan Africa.