A dark silhouette of a city skyline set against a cloudy sky. Tall buildings with distinctive shapes are visible, including skyscrapers and what appears to be a tower. The skyline creates a stark contrast with the lighter sky above.
Bar graph titled "Number of zero-dose children—Global." Bars show 13.3M (2020), 16.5M (2021), and 18.2M (2022). Line trend indicates a target of 6.64M. A "Download Chart" button is present.
Nov 03, 2022

A vaccine scorecard for the globe

An example of the kind of charts available through the Immunization Agenda 2030 scorecard, this image conveys how global trends fall short of zero-dose children coverage targets.   
A woman is holding a child while another woman, both wearing face masks, administers an oral vaccine to the child. The scene appears to be in a healthcare facility with posters and charts on the walls in the background.
Nov 04, 2021

Rotavirus vaccination progress in Africa shoulders unprecedented challenge in pandemic

The Rotavirus Organization of Technical Allies (ROTA) celebrates rotavirus vaccine access champions in Africa.