A dark silhouette of a city skyline set against a cloudy sky. Tall buildings with distinctive shapes are visible, including skyscrapers and what appears to be a tower. The skyline creates a stark contrast with the lighter sky above.
A conference room with people discussing research posters displayed on boards. Attendees are engaged in conversations, some holding tote bags and brochures. The room is well-lit with a carpeted floor and light-colored walls.
Aug 09, 2021

Join us for the VASE Virtual Symposium in September!

As everyone knows, the world has changed considerably in the last 18 months. In March 2020, we were busy getting ready for our third biennial Vaccines Against Shigella and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) Conference—known as the VASE Confere...
A large hospital ship with red cross symbols sails through calm ocean waters. An island with mountainous terrain is visible in the distance under a clear blue sky.

An unexpected threat to our armed forces overseas

Diarrhea is one of the top infectious disease threats to deployed American forces.