A dark silhouette of a city skyline set against a cloudy sky. Tall buildings with distinctive shapes are visible, including skyscrapers and what appears to be a tower. The skyline creates a stark contrast with the lighter sky above.
A woman with curly hair, glasses, and a black jacket is standing next to a black water pump on a hexagonal stone base with a plaque. She is smiling and holds the pump with one hand. The background shows a street, brick buildings, another person, and a parked van.
Jun 26, 2024

Plumbing the depths of diarrhea etymology

The DefeatDD team is comprised of word lovers. Yet you might be surprised how the worlds of language and science are intertwined. Diarrhea, for example, can be traced to the Greek diárrhoia, meaning to flow through...
A young child stands indoors, wearing a black T-shirt with white text, and has a curious expression on their face. The background is slightly blurred, showing a room with benches and items. The image has the text "DEFEATDD: Significant. Solvable." at the bottom.
Aug 14, 2020

What do diarrheal disease and COVID-19 have in common?

Lessons from tackling diarrheal disease can also help us recover from COVID-19 stronger than ever.
A smiling woman holds a young child in her arms. The image is overlaid with blue zigzag and white dot patterns, and the word "DEFEATDD" appears in the top right corner. The child looks curious while the woman beams with joy.
Nov 18, 2019

A revoLOOtion to fight trillions of germs

Toilets close the lid on the pathogenic parade.
A woman in a white uniform and blue apron washes her hands using a black container with a tap, which dispenses water into a black basin. A child in a pink shirt is visible in the foreground, watching her. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly a healthcare or educational facility.
Oct 14, 2019

Health for all and clean hands for all go – well, hand in hand

Universal health coverage can’t live up to its name if it doesn’t include WASH.
Three children in checkered uniforms stand at a metal sink. The central child, smiling, clasps her hands with soapy water, while the child on the right looks on. An adult in a red shawl assists them, reinforcing the importance of handwashing.
Oct 10, 2018

Clean hands: a recipe for health long after a meal is over

Blog originally posted on Crowd 360.   If you’re reading this post, chances are you have grown up with the familiar injunction to wash our hands, especially before eating. But here’s something you may not know: clean hands are a recipe for hea...
A young child with short hair and a solemn expression looks directly at the camera. The background is softly blurred, showing an indoor setting with light coming through windows. The text "DEFEATDD" and "SIGNIFICANT. SOLVABLE." is written over a blue brushstroke at the bottom.

Diarrhea Myths, Debunked

Beyond the silly and the squeamish, there’s a more important story to tell.
A woman squats on the ground, using sign language to communicate with a group of children gathered around her. The children look attentively at her gestures. They're standing in an open area, with brick buildings in the background. The woman is wearing a pink scarf.
Oct 12, 2017

A healthy future is in our hands

This post also appears on the Global Handwashing Day website.  
Two young girls are standing in front of a brick wall and window. The older girl is wearing a denim jacket, cat ear headband, and a backpack. The younger girl is in a pink top. A round clock is visible in the background through the window.
Sep 12, 2017

Children: the most persistent and passionate advocates

Children are also ideal targets for hygiene lessons because they are adaptable and amenable to change.
A child in red clothing walks through a narrow, colorful alley of a brick-built neighborhood, holding a green bowl. A woman on the left does laundry, standing on a ladder. A man in the background gestures while standing. Various hanging laundry and cables are visible.
Aug 24, 2017

Surprising sanitation lessons in Delhi

I knew enough to know that Delhi would be unlike any other place I’d ever visited. I knew to expect heart-stopping auto rides, colorful chaos, seemingly impossible juxtapositions of gleaming office buildings and tattered tents, and delicious chai w...
An informational poster titled "Why is Diarrhea Dangerous?" It describes how diarrhea can be fatal due to dehydration and organ failure. The poster depicts the infection pathways of pathogens: Enterotoxigenic E. Coli, Shigella, and Rotavirus, focusing on how E. Coli infects a child.

How does diarrhea become deadly?

The danger is in rapid dehydration. But there's a solution.
A close-up of a baby wearing a blue knit cap with a string tied under the chin. The baby has a curious expression, with wide eyes and slightly parted lips, and a white and pink outfit. The background is softly blurred.
Jul 12, 2012

Soccer goals and other victories

When Immanuel fell ill with diarrhea, Catherine knew what to do.
A small child is asleep, resting in the arms of an adult. The child is wearing a colorful patterned garment, while the adult's garment is white with black and gold embroidery. Other people are visible in the background.
Dec 02, 2010

Child health: a joint responsibility

During my recent trip to Kenya, my mission was to explore the ways we can better engage women as advocates for child health. In several interviews with health care workers, NGOs, and community leaders, I repeatedly heard the words, “Just give wome...