Mar 26, 2025
Next-gen leaders in diarrheal disease: Q&A with Brittany Feijoo
We talked to Brittany Feijoo, a research associate at Johns Hopkins, about her career path and her research on diarrheal diseases in Kenya.

Mar 19, 2025
Confronting cholera and drought in Zambia
The recent cholera outbreak in Zambia is a reminder that water security, public health, and energy supply are deeply interconnected.

Mar 13, 2025
Next-gen leaders in diarrheal disease: Q&A with Dr. Elizabeth McQuade
We sat down with Dr. Elizabeth Rogawski McQuade, a rising star in the diarrheal disease research space, to hear more about her work.
DefeatDD welcomes new team member: Tara Petronio
DefeatDD is kicking off 2025 with a new addition to our team. Please help us give a warm welcome to our new Communications Associate, Tara Petronio! [Holding for virtual applause.] You may have already met her indirectly: she’s jumped right in as t...

Nov 15, 2024
We can defeat diarrhea outbreaks if we prepare for them
We get it. Things feel heavy right now. Heartbreaking conflict. Record-breaking heat. Economic hardship. In enduring these things, children suffer the most: according to UNICEF, diarrhea kills more children in conflict settings than violence. Climate...

Sep 24, 2024
Drug resistant diarrheal disease: a journey
Drug resistance is a major global health challenge, and it continues to worsen. A problem with many causes, rising drug resistance has placed an increasing burden on global health and children are among those shouldering the consequences. How th...

Aug 27, 2024
Preventing the cycle of monsoon floods and cholera through vaccines and safe water
The summer monsoon season in Asia, known for heavy rainfall that often leads to flooding, has reached new heights in countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. These floods contribute to the outbreak of diarrheal diseases. ...

Jul 24, 2024
Five and Thrive!
The DefeatDD team celebrated a global health success story – more children than ever are reaching their fifth birthday!

Apr 03, 2024
How do healthcare workers defeat diarrheal disease?
Let’s further efforts to increase fair compensation and gender equity for health workers.

Feb 07, 2024
Findings from more than a decade of rotavirus vaccine roll-out
Rotavirus vaccines became available in 2006. How have they made an impact?

Nov 06, 2023
World Toilet Day: Don't Stall
World Toilet Day is a global observation recognized annually. This year, our theme is “Don’t Stall” to promote urgency in addressing some of the most dire global health challenges.

Jun 08, 2023
Four more African countries commit to rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines
At the 2nd Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia, leaders renewed commitments to accelerate progress in child survival. Photo: Every Breath Counts.

Mar 08, 2023
Women are stuck at the intersection of climate change and sanitation
The climate crisis is a health crisis, and one of its manifestations is its disruptive impact on safe drinking water and sanitation. Weather extremes like flooding stress sanitation systems and create increased opportunity for waterborne diseases suc...

Mar 07, 2023
More Than 10 Years Out, Dr. George Armah Reflects on Ghana's Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction
In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved for global use vaccines against rotavirus, the most lethal cause of severe childhood diarrhea. Dr. George Armah was among the researchers who made it possible, starting his career in on rotavirus ...

Dec 13, 2022
Poo Guru talks sh*t at the VASE Conference with global experts on diarrhea vaccines
“No diarrhea; more smiles.” “The answers are in the poop.” This and more poo-etic wisdom from our the VASE Conference attendees graced the open spaces between the poster presentations.

Nov 23, 2022
Upstream Strategies for Antimicrobial Resistance
Vaccines, nutrition, and WASH reduce antibiotic overuse.

Nov 16, 2022
The Poo Guru: Toilet Facts For You
Meet Poo Guru! She is flush with facts about toilets, sanitation, and their vital role in global health. This World Toilet Day, as we celebrate all kinds of loos and latrines, the Poo Guru is our guide. She aims to raise awareness and investment in s...

Nov 10, 2022
Pneumonia and Diarrhea: Are We Reaching Global Goals?
The Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea outlines an integrated approach to simultaneously tackle these leading infectious killers of children.

Oct 14, 2022
Let’s Realize the Promise of Universal Hand Hygiene
Poor WASH is responsible for more than half of global diarrheal disease cases. As with COVID-19, the poorest communities are the hardest hit.

How does oral rehydration solution work?
The biochemical research breakthroughs that led to ORS development.

May 10, 2022
A LAMP to light the way: A rapid diagnostic test for ETEC and Shigella diarrhea
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and Shigella are leading bacterial causes of diarrhea. Experts have long suspected that they are responsible for a large proportion of the global diarrheal disease burden. However, morbidity and mortality estimates of E...

Feb 07, 2022
Solving the puzzle of decreased rotavirus vaccine performance in LMICs
Earlier vaccination may be key to improving rotavirus vaccine efficacy in low-income country settings.

Nov 19, 2021
PODCAST: The quest to transform the toilet
DefeatDD joins the Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) Alliance's podcast to discuss sanitation with Pipe Dreams author Chelsea Wald.

Nov 15, 2021
13th African Rotavirus Symposium reveals setbacks, hope in rotavirus vaccination efforts in Africa
Pandemic disruptions pose an unprecedented challenge on rotavirus vaccination efforts in Africa, but countries are still making progress.

Oct 13, 2021
A healthy, climate-resilient future must ensure access to WASH
Climate change makes efforts to increase access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene more urgent than ever.

Sep 30, 2021
How can vitamin A address child diarrhea burden?
Vitamin A is a key player in diarrhea prevention and treatment - and in child health overall.

Aug 03, 2021
Latching on to support: protecting breastfeeding from COVID-19 disruptions
Pandemic disruptions in access to support have caused global breastfeeding rates to fall. More support is urgently needed to protect babies.

Jul 29, 2021
Use ORS AND zinc for a one-two punch against diarrhea
Only 7% of children who need diarrhea treatment get ORS and zinc. The co-pack could help.

Jul 19, 2021
WHO re-emphasizes importance of rotavirus vaccination in new position paper
On Friday, July 16, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) released its first updated rotavirus vaccine position paper since 2013. WHO’s position papers summarize all currently known research relevant to a vaccination against a certain pathogen ...

Jun 25, 2021
A village chief, a midwife, and a mother: Strengthening gender equity across cultures and roles
Meet three inspiring women working to strengthen women's and children's health, well-being, and education.

Jun 23, 2021
When women rise, CO2 levels fall
When women are in leadership, families, communities, and the planet benefit.

Jun 17, 2021
Modeling the long-term impacts of enteric infections
Repeated gut infections can have long-term impacts on a child's development. A modeling study sheds light on how these infections cause damage.

May 18, 2021
“Hello? Are we together?” Together, we honor Alfred
Our late colleague Alfred Ochola saved children's lives, inspired a new generation, and left a lasting impact on all who knew him.

May 05, 2021
How a midwife in Uganda is helping young mothers and babies during the pandemic baby boom
Midwife Esther Alamia believes integrating antenatal services with routine immunization can help reach more mothers.

Apr 22, 2021
Children leading the charge against the climate emergency
Young people are taking the lead on climate, and it’s time for adults to follow.

Apr 07, 2021
How strengthening health systems helps build young soccer players
When Catherine named her son after a famous Zambian soccer star, she signified her high hopes for his future.

Mar 04, 2021
When women are empowered, their children thrive, too: A story of Teresa and Vusi
After her first son almost died of rotavirus, Teresa equipped herself with the knowledge and tools to ensure her second son would be protected.

Feb 23, 2021
Little humans, big hearts: inspiration for child health advocacy
Kids say the darnedest - and most inspiring - things.

Feb 10, 2021
Charting her own path to saving lives: 4 questions for Dr. Rubhana Raqib
Dr. Rubhana Raqib, one of a record number of women inducted into the World Academy of Science, share how she became a scientist and what advice she has for girls who want to follow in her footsteps.

Jan 21, 2021
Scientists unlock a key to ETEC diarrhea’s long-term consequences
Photo: Dr. Alaullah Shiekh, a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. James Fleckenstein’s lab at Washington University in St. Louis, is hard at work analyzing images of ETEC’s effects on the human gut.

Dec 22, 2020
Four times rotavirus vaccines gave us much-needed good news in 2020
Even in this crazy year, we managed to make some progress against the deadliest form of childhood diarrhea.

Dec 16, 2020
In Palestine, the switch to a lower-cost rotavirus vaccine paid off
Conducting an economic evaluation of a switch from ROTARIX to ROTAVAC allowed the Palestinian Ministry of Health to validate the payoff of its decision.

Dec 09, 2020
Protect every child from diarrhea.
When one child dies of diarrhea, it reflects a collective failure. We can no longer go back to the status quo; we need universal health coverage now.

Nov 23, 2020
Defeat diarrhea and help stop drug resistance, too
Existing tools - WASH, vaccines, and ORS+zinc - can help prevent and treat diarrhea infections with no need for antibiotics.

Nov 16, 2020
Rediscovering the public health origins of WASH
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) were some of the original building blocks of primary healthcare.

Oct 21, 2020
A promising new tool to identify children at highest risk of long-term health issues caused by diarrhea
A new laboratory diagnostic tool can help identify environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) in children.

Oct 07, 2020
Water and sanitation creates a ripple effect for girls, women, and society
A healthier generation tomorrow depends on raising strong girls today.

Sep 22, 2020
Fortify children against pandemics by going back to basics
The tools to shield children from the worst of COVID-19’s indirect effects are tried-and-true tools of child health.

Jul 15, 2020
Diarrheal disease has a racism problem
Addressing disparities in access to prevention and treatment for diarrheal disease among Black children in the United States deserves special attention.

Jun 24, 2020
Rotavirus vaccination would save lives in Nigeria—but the poorest may lack access
As Nigeria plans to introduce rotavirus vaccination, inequities in vaccination coverage and burden of disease are projected to result in an inequitable impact of the vaccine.

Jun 03, 2020
Beyond COVID-19: Immunization is a smart investment for societies and economies
We must not lose sight of the more than 100 prequalified vaccines that exist already against infectious diseases.

Apr 23, 2020
Finding inspiration from rotavirus vaccines as we rally against COVID-19
In 2006, rotavirus vaccine became the first-ever vaccine introduced in a low-income country and a wealthy country in the same year.

Apr 21, 2020
How does the World Health Organization improve global health? Three examples from DefeatDD
Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering: What exactly does WHO do?

Mar 20, 2020
Climate Change, COVID-19, and Diarrhea on World Water Day 2020: Can We Afford to Celebrate?
We can’t address diarrhea, climate change, or COVID-19 without water.

Mar 05, 2020
Female Scientists Who Are Defeating Diarrhea Get Their “Doo”
We’re glad to see them get their “doo.”

Feb 20, 2020
A healthier future for children: four lessons from the world of diarrhea
The future for children is not tomorrow. It is now.

Jan 16, 2020
The reinforcing protection of WASH and vaccines
Vaccines and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are both necessary for universal health coverage - and they work better together.

Sep 19, 2019
How can advocates use Essential Medicines Lists to save lives?
If the World Health Organization is a coach, the list of Essential Medicines includes its Most Valuable Players.

Jul 09, 2019
WHO puts co-packaged ORS and zinc in the starting line up to defeat diarrheal disease
You won’t find it in the sports pages, but the World Health Organization (WHO) just made a game-changing decision in the field of diarrheal disease by adding co-packaged oral rehydration solution (ORS) and zinc to its Model List of Essential Medici...

Mar 20, 2019
WASH and vaccines tag team to prevent disease outbreaks
Where there is conflict or unrest, children and families bear the brunt of the burden and fallout from infectious disease outbreaks like cholera and typhoid.
Conflicts simply amplify the ongoing diarrheal disease crisis that affects children ever...

Mar 13, 2019
Pharmacists in Zambia and Uganda share the potential of co-packaged ORS and zinc
Parents often worry about diarrhea treatment costs and are largely unaware about the benefits of zinc.

Feb 05, 2019
Policy spotlight: improved access to ORS and zinc
We're backing a new petition to improve access to ORS and zinc.

May 04, 2018
Thanks for taking the plunge!
Our event partner, NJI Media, filled the technicolor toilet-shaped void in our hearts that we didn’t know we had.
Silliness and substance: these are our twin priorities at DefeatDD. Breaking the poo taboo requires some creative resourcefulness...

Bridging the gap between health and WASH sectors
What would you say to a donor considering integrated approaches? We asked the experts.

Feb 07, 2018
If childhood stunting is a three-legged stool, poor gut health is one leg
Dr. Mark Manary, one of the world’s foremost experts in childhood malnutrition, screens children in Chikweo, Malawi. Photo: Carol Lin.

Sep 22, 2017
After the floods: Diarrheal disease threats lurk behind natural disasters
After the rain stops and the floodwaters recede, another threat looms.

Sep 05, 2017
An impossible choice: The dangerous disruption of diarrhea treatment costs
Diarrhea is a medical and economic crisis for vulnerable families.

We can all be heroes to DefeatDD
Say sayonara to Star Trek because this summer's biggest blockbuster isn't playing at your local theater. The most compelling drama comes to you right here, as superheroes and villains face off in the fight to defeat diarrheal disease!

Shigella: A Survivor's Story
Jackie became severely ill with Shigella at nine years old, right around the time this photo was taken.

Good nutrition and strong minds: What’s the connection?
Children need a nutritious diet to grow healthy and strong. If children don't get key nutrients during these critical early years, the impact can be far-reaching.

Mind the GAPPD—A pivotal new resource offers global and local strategies to overcome leading child killers
This week, we celebrate integration. Though it is intrinsically at the heart of what we and our partners do in addressing myriad global health challenges through thoughtful, efficient strategies, today integration is particularly at the fore. For the...

An interview with Nicole Maier: Enteric vaccine enthusiast and fighting champion
The brilliant scientists of PATH's Enteric Vaccine Initiative (EVI) conduct clinical trials for vaccine candidates against bacterial forms of diarrheal disease. Next month, they will launch a trial for a Shigella vaccine in Bangladesh.

Dec 14, 2012
Bringing cola – and lifesaving commodities – to rural regions
It was an idea years in the making.

Sep 25, 2012
Partnerships and progress in Lusaka’s peri-urban settlements
Dennis Malambo is Kabulanga Branch Manager for Lusaka Water and Sewerage.
Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka, is growing rapidly and it is not slowing down. The country’s population is projected to increase exponentially by the end of the century –...