A dark silhouette of a city skyline set against a cloudy sky. Tall buildings with distinctive shapes are visible, including skyscrapers and what appears to be a tower. The skyline creates a stark contrast with the lighter sky above.
A person holding a syringe while preparing to administer an injection. The background is blurred, focusing on the hands and the syringe. The person is wearing a blue garment.
Feb 22, 2022

Shigella and ETEC vaccine pipeline advances despite pandemic slowdown

Recent research on the leading vaccine candidates against ETEC and Shigella diarrhea reveals exciting progress.
A woman in an orange and white checkered sari holds a baby while another woman administers oral medication to the baby. They are seated outdoors near a metal gate with a young boy observing from behind the gate. A yellow surface is partially visible.
Apr 16, 2019

Making the case and mapping a course for Shigella vaccines

Given that Shigella vaccines are still in clinical development, it’s a great time to pose some of these big picture questions.