A dark silhouette of a city skyline set against a cloudy sky. Tall buildings with distinctive shapes are visible, including skyscrapers and what appears to be a tower. The skyline creates a stark contrast with the lighter sky above.
Two pairs of white slip-on shoes are placed on a concrete floor with two parallel red lines. The shoes are positioned on either side of the lines, suggesting separation or division. The floor has a slightly worn texture.
Jun 02, 2021

PATH launches Global Community of Practice on decentralized chlorine production

Stabilizing chlorine supply could reduce hospital-acquired infections, which affect an estimated 15.5% of patients in low- and middle-income countries.
A close-up of hands being washed with water from a plastic bottle over an orange basin. The person's skin is dark, and the water is pouring onto their hands, creating a splashing effect. The background is slightly blurred.
May 22, 2019

Supporting WASH in health care facilities

Ensuring safe water, sanitation, and hygiene in health care facilities is key to preventing infections and the spread of drug resistance.
Two healthcare workers in green scrubs are seen working in a dimly lit medical room. One is at a counter, and the other is near a sink. Surgical towels hang on a line above. Various medical supplies are on the counter, with sunlight filtering through the windows.
Nov 28, 2018

Hospitals without water, toilets, or soap make the sick even more vulnerable to infection

Think back to the last time you visited a doctor’s office or a hospital. Was clean drinking water available?